How To Donate
Support our grads via Venmo
Donations without comments are distributed among graduates randomly. However, if you have a specific recipient in mind via specialty or school, please list them in the comment so funds can be allocated properly. For example, #DermTwitter donations will be allocated to individuals applying to the field of dermatology and #MeharryMade will be allocated to graduates of Meharry Medical college.
"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give"
-Winston Churchill
GoFundMe Initiatives
#MedGradWishlist is a mutual aid initiative aimed at providing support for medical graduates that are underrepresented in medicine from historically disadvantaged backgrounds in their transition from medical school to residency, regardless of Match status. In the previous 2 years ~$30,000 was raised to provide 20 students with new iPads and laptops, items that are essential to the rigorous journey to medicine. We would like to do the same this year with your help!